Till 5 pm last saturday , I was convinced the day would go down as the worst day of my life , my personal 'Black saturday' or something . My shoes smelt like ammonium nitrate . The signals on my cell were as weak as an underfed riya sen . And I was wearing the same shirt for the third consecutive day ( I was lucky my co workers thought the smell was from a dead rat in the water cooler ) . So after office , I stopped over at the beach hoping for a time better than the day had been . ( Infact I hoped to end up rolling in the sand with a couple of blondes , but anything less glamorous would have been well received too ). As I stood near the waves watching the sun set and wondering where my next clean shirt would come from , this person walks upto me and asks "Is your name Abhi ?".I nervously shifted on my feet and did a little mental check of the safest direction to run away in , because I thought he was from the last hotel I stayed in .( I stole the towels . Little devil I am. ) But it turned out the man reads this blog and recognised me from my pictures on it . His family was with him too and even they were aware of my existence . We spent quite some time chatting and though it did not involve anyone rolling in the sand , the sheer unexpectedness of the thing and the warmth of the family promptly transformed my black saturday into a sparkling floodlights lit surf excel washed Sweet Saturday .
Infact I am getting into a daily ritual of mine . Everyday after office , I stop over at the beach and spend some time listening to music , reading stuff , looking around and wondering about the purpose of life and Himesh's cap . I see a beaming mother cradling her baby while daddy clicks a picture . I see a young dreamy couple walking on the sand with their fingers intertwined .I see a little girl taking excited little steps towards the water with her little fingers curled around her elder sister's finger .And at times , even though we are rude , wicked , selfish , insensitive and other words associated with an excited Gulshan Grover , such moments remind me that in our hearts we still want to be loving and caring . Chal bott story sun lee , abhi foto dekh .

Kya mirchi light effects hai yaar . Aisa lag raha hai bhagwan jee torch se dekh rahe hain paani ke andar .
And I watched the live telecast of Miss World 2006 recently . And every lady over there was smiling so much . I had not seen so many teeth in one place before this . And it wasn't like there were a couple of teeth showing between the lips . It was a full fledged smile which left no scope for any improvement . It was like these ladies had just been taken off a dental clinic's wall . And for around 90 minutes , those ladies were constantly smiling , almost giggling , like the presenter was unleashing one sardar joke after another or there was a huge discount sale at the nearby mall . I am still in awe of their prolonged smiling capabilities . Infact Ms Jamaica actually let out a little laugh when she was eliminated . Such happy women they were .
And I have been thinking . Now , I know . I look as misplaced as a mickey mouse tattoo on a 32 inch bicep whenever I try to touch upon sensitive issues , but I think the higher I go in life , the more analytical people I find around me .You know , the types who discuss the psycho analytical dissection of the lead character of 15 park avenue when they should be watching 'sajan chale sasural' , the people who come upto me and ask what I think of Colhelo's Alchemist ( I say "Colhelo wrote that ? Then which one did Bappi Lahiri write ? " ) , people who write things with words as long and complicated as Czeckhoslovakia and to make things scarier , people who even understand such articles . I am not against intelligent , analytical people . After all , all the inventions such as the steam engine , airplanes and toilet paper have been at the hands of intelligent and analytical people . But it's a little tough to have a fun time with such people unless you enjoy talking about the theory of relativity and Thailand's Jute industry . So I kinda miss the backbencher-who cares-I flunked again kinda junta I belonged to in engineering college .
Anyway , I think I will close down now . There is no funda of jalaofying Ravan and associates down here in Kerala , they just shake hands and say "Ok.Ravan died.Congrats" . So I will go back to the hotel and watch animal planet . I love that channel and I am convinced that with a little bit of make up , I can be on it . And I also plan to stop over at the beach on my way . You never know , someone blonde may just agree to roll in the sand with me .
"I love that channel and I am convinced that with a little bit of make up , I can be on it"...That's a good evaluation of oneself. By the way, it's not Czeckhoslovakia, it's Czechoslovakia...:-)
Nice post Abhi...as always...
Nice post Abhi...as always...
awesome dude...really really funny...as usual...
Hi abhi!
it took me almost 30 days for me to read your entire blog (coz of work n all, could not complete soon)! real funny stuff! u can be a genuine script writer for any hardcore jim carry movie! you have tons of such stuff!
anyways now that i read all of your posts, felt good to put a comment over!
Will definitely come back for more ...
kudos on the photo (especially the nuns)...
most comment on your writing..but you might just be getting somewhere with photography if you keep up your solitary walks :)
"Ok.Ravan died.Congrats" ..Lol
ohh jee tussi is getting so popular tht people recognise in beaches.!!
Ahem... beare of paparazzi ..i have heard they take aise waise pics n publish them to get some money,!!!
Mickey mouse tattoo on 32 inch biceps?
did u ever consider MICA instead of IIM?
"Infact Ms Jamaica actually let out a little laugh when she was eliminated . Such happy women they were" ha ha ha! Really good blog!
well...guess u'll be really lucky to find blondes in kerela..:)
i remenber u'd mentioned in a post that u'll like to be posted in some remote village..where a gaaon ki gori..wud be waiting for her sehari babu..i think the place u r is not 2 diff...time to check out the well.. ;)
u can't even afford iPod nano!! ~rolls her eyes~..
n i thot u must be rolling in money by this time..
son..nice pics..i loved the first one..
n don't think too much;)...plz give rest to those lil grey cells
life is meant for living;)
dude tum to celebrity ho gaye
ppl recognise u on streets..someday blondes would pay to roll in sand would u..
atleast that makes for a nice dream for u tonight ;)
Though I don't understand those namaste words (or whatever Indian language that is), I love reading your entries and am actually checking out every now and then for your update.
I'll link you up, ok? Hope you don't mind.
Sunset and sunrise by the beach are the greatest!
Loved the last pic.
My only fear is that I'm getting converted from a "the backbencher-who cares-I flunked again" to an "analytical" person.
And for Heaven's sake, Munnu bhai, it is "Coelho" and not "Colhelo" !! Author ke naam ko chidiya bana diya??
lovely pics abhi...!! i loved the 1st and last one...as for ur iPOD...guess it sounds good;))!!
read ur previous posts in the past few days...ur writing style has transformed in a major way!! was that a deliberate attempt or it just happened??
LOL :) Hope your wish comes true very soon. Till then, how about strolling on the beach with a life size cut out of carmen electra? ;)
love the pic of the sun thru the clouds.. :)
and the nuns reminded meof a school trip which had the nuns take us kids to the beach..
So you plan to roll in the sand with someone blonde? Blonde streaks is the latest 'thing' among dark Kerala boys with supppper curly hair?
awesome pics abhi :)). esp liked the god and his torch vaala.
And you bet man, dunno whatever happens to plain old devil may care attitude in people once you get in on this side of life. Personally even id like to keep up the same. :)))
Best of luck with the Blondes next time dude.....and in case you dont find them how about a brunette ;))
Where is Hitler's soul now ? :)
I am a frequent reader of your blogs. Your writing style is very lucid. You can express your views and feelings in simple words. And ofcource excellent sense of humour.
I wish I could write like you.
Keep writing.
Nice post.
moot point yeh hai ki 'nature' ladka hai ya ladki!
meri research se yeh pata chala hai ki woh ladka hai.
as in
// nature sabko bachcha bana [b]deta[/b] hai!
one more gr8 post......nothing eles!
u r,it seems, getting-serious-with-life in a humouros way!
abhi tere andar bhe chupe hain
awesome pics yaar
can u post big photo of the coconut tree shot in last post
Why do you want to scare away the last few blondes who plan to visit Kerela? :) And yes, one more question: are you sure you were watching Miss World 2006 on Animal Planet? :D
But yes I guess the time you spend on the beach is very comforting. Put in some more pics of the beach, please...
As hilarious as ever.. U never get exhausted. do u??...
hi abhinav
i am a regular visitor of your blog. Almost everyone would say this to u but i would like to repeat, """ you are really an awesome writer""".today is last day of my dusshera vacation,do you know what i did all these days?? i have been reading your previous archives. i really enjoy reading your blog.
keep up the good work n plzzzz keep posting regularly...
i too hail from a shore city.
First time here. Hilarious post. Really enjoyed reading it.
Looks like I am not the only one who is skeptical when somebody recognizes us unexpectedly. No, I didn't steal towels, but I have my reasons ;)
hey abhi..thanx 4 da daily(!?) dose of laughter..u made my day..waitin4 ur book..hope u find sum inspiration in da mallu land..
just picked up a few words phrases from your post...
"Infact I hoped to end up rolling ..."
"the higher I go in life ..."
"wondering about the purpose of life ..."
a lot is explained here...roll on
hi softy !!
hey nice post..kafi dino baad i read ur blog..its fun readng d stuff..nd spclly d ignornce abt novels..btw i hav also turnd into a bk bencher..dnt study till sumthn intersts me...just njoin lif...nd can u believe it..i havnt a novel since d past 2.5 mnths...
tk cr
great post :)..i read the "tussi iim se ho" post also, and both were great posts:)
That's one hilarious blog that you have out there :))
Very good idea. Similar to a discussion I saw on this Travel Deal.
I truly have become an ardent fan of your posts. The way I'd hit upon your site is a very interesting story but I would rather keep mum about it!
The work that you're doing with your camera these days is fabulous. They were some really nice pictures and I am surprised that a non-professional (amateur) Digital Camera can be so effective while clicking such breathtaking sceneries unless you have “the” one.
Your posts are just too good and hilarious and at times, so much thought-provoking as well.
You're good ... Be good and May God Bless You Always.
Abhi, get a hold on urself dude! Ur posts are missing the magic that brought me to your blog in the first place! Frequent visits to the beach makes us all big time dreamers i guess...but boring was never a word to describe your posts...! Do something abt it! Get married or something :P
Happy Birthday !!
Today is when I have enjoyed ur blog most..this post gave me the much needed stress relief after a tight work schedule..
Believe me I was laughing so loud that ppl around would have thought ..yeh to gaya!
"excited little steps towards the water" was great. Quoting a few words wud be injustice; the whole post was mindblowing!!
Keep going. Hats off to ur expression!
awesome... and herre i was so worried that once u start wrking u wont be able to blog.... gr8 !
hey ..!!
ive been a regular reader of ur posts and i thoroughly enjoy them .. in fact ive started from the top now n ur life reads like a well written novel .. :)
anyway the reason im writin in is i was goin thru ur previous posts n i saw one which mentioned orkut.. i went thru ur profile there a few days ago n 2day when i read the one in particular where u mention joining orkut i thought id go thru ur profile again .. i didnt find u .. (have u closed ur account??? )but look what i found instead... i think u mite find it quite interesting.. http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=260405258411899704
i was quite taken aback at the blatant copy ..
Have been reading your blog for a long time now ... but due to my selfish behaviour never commented on ur articles ....
well today is different .... really like the simplicity of ur thoughts ..... thanks for giving me an article quite often to come back and read it .... really look forward to it
well i am a fan .... irrespective of whether u would want a male fan or not :)
keep up the good work buddy ... a lotof people need ur articles
great blog man!
makes my day
Pics are awesome, they have a very deep meaning,
have maintained a nice blog dude...
dont have words, i am short of it to appreciate your efforts
just started to read your blog from yesterday and I find myself addict to it, and also can see your fan list
few days back it was your b'day(I got it from one of the comments)
Many many happy returns of the day
anyways keep blogging(people need it)
Regards Khushbu
Thou bloggeth well.
I have recently started reading ur blogs...i simply love them...in fact i am getting addicted to them...could you be more frequent
Nice blog.
What were all the previous comments that were deleted ? Spam ?
It must be nice to be reognized, would have made your day, I am sure.
hey dude...have been readin ur blog of late..infact finished readin all ur posts in jst 3 days..
they are awesome..man..
the humour is awesome..and the truth behind it is suddenly all the more true..
keep up the gud work..and keep enertaining us..
lovely abhi...fan following cos of ur blosg...wow what next??great job keep it up...love ur posts:)
Hey ! I have exxaaaacccccccttly the same watch :D
why did u delete that post"someone"?????
hey why did ya remove the last post man..!!!!
it waz a beautiful post..y did u remove it...:( :(
hey nice post. but HITLERS soul? that definitely will touch a few flares. slapstick? maybe... but definitely good article. have been back reading all ur posts. loved some of them.
Hi yaar .. cool ur blog is awesome ..I need ur contact number and mail id amsingla@gmail.com(Amit Singla) If at all u read the comments do mail me ...
why did u remove the post "someone"? :( who was that someone? waiting for ur next post
I think i saw a post..somwhere...:)
hey! u removed ur poem from ur blog. i had just loved it.
Bheri interesting style of writing. I like, I like.
Buzzworthy Opportunities
u r too good! i know i know u've heard such lines many times in ur comments, but thrs nothing left to say in ur praise than repeat those lines over n over again!!! :)
seriously, u rock in writing!
and that jamaican woman laughed whn she was chucked out?? lolzzz she sure got herself a toothpaste ad after that m sure!
Someone left you for someone else.... without being mentioned on the blog !!!??......not fair :-|
shucks man!!!!!!!!! how does deleting that post make any difference..?? y??????????????:-(((((
this was the dumbest thing to do, EVER! all of us had read the post, then why delete??????? what difference does it make???
Hey Abhinav - u deleted ur post as well as ur orkut id. What happened to you?? Cheer up, be bold and face the world. U have lots of concerned people out here. Waiting for you bounce back.
- Karthika Kalyan
even i want u to bounce back and be happy always..tc
We are all waiting for you Abhi, COME BACK.
hey buddy relax..what u wrote was really beautiful..if u dint want people to comment on it u shud have just disabled the comments..anywayz all the best to u..wishing u strength n peace of mind..:-)
You are a genius and have a terrific sense of humour. Your
'disappearance act' will give you the much needed PAUSE. I am sure that you will bounce back & achieve greater heights in expressing yourself. ALL THE BEST .
i have been reading ur blogs for quiet some time...
writing stlye is funny...
tell me honestly....what would you do with this IIM-ised EGO ???
kya hua hero..kahan gayab ho gaya?
Hey Abhi, it's Prerna from Yaari.com. nice iPod!! i just tried sending you an email, but it bounced...can you please email me with your new address?
btw, you're lucky to be able to go to the beach everyday. it's my dream...
oh, i just read through these last comments. seems you're taking a little break. please do email me when you return :) (wish i had read that mysterious missing post, b/c i have a hard time believing you'd write anything short of outstanding. if someone said something nasty, just let it pass. come back to us soon!!)
nd so it is ...."MY MENTOR IS MISSING"....and now "I AM MISSING MY MENTOR"...dunno where u r ..but still so god damn feel like talking to u ...guess u will b unavailable for a long period nd i will hve to give my CAT without ur gyan giving ...jab tak free fund ka mil raha tha ..tab tak i didnt care ...ab jab nahi mil raha ...i am missing it so much ...it was so nice to jst go on listening to u when u were inspiring me to strive ...i just hope i dont let u down ...
tke care munnu
hey abhi...an ardent fan of your writings,a person who has read all your posts in 18hrs at a stretch(who got to read the missing post even,it was a real heart touching piece of writing) is worried about your disappearance...
will you ever come back????
wishing you loads of love and luck...
"as misplaced as a mickey mouse tattoo on a 32 inch bicep "
LOlz...Where do u get such ideas???
Btw, all the best for that blonde... :D
I invariably visit ur blog whenever I run short of ideas to write in my own. It's inspirational dude!
You are so funny!
I'll be back!
tera email id hai ki mohali ki pitch kihtne email phenke sab bounce ho gaye ...
Hey Abhi,
Is evrythg all right on ur end?
I do remmber tht once u had almost decided to quit blogging,I hope the scene is not repeating again.
Ur tht personal post is also missing.
Neway, take ur time, but do come back.
U hv an exceptional fan following not seen on blogs.
Wud like to hear the real part of it..
Why the long silence,mate ? Hope all's well
eid ka chaand toh ho gaye..kahin blog par amavasya ke chaand mat ho jaana...
w8in 4 updates...
nice blog
100th comment coming up :)
congrats on the century !!
pleeeeeeeeeeeeasssssssse come back :-( :-(
Hey Abhinav..just want to make sure if everything is fine..You have never been away for so long without a post..Are you thinking of coming down to campus any time soon? Give your fans a chance to meet you!
hey what happ .... missing ur posts and y did u take down the personal one....
u write well..
hey i have always wondered why don't u go with that adsense thing on google ?
okie.. to make it less scarier, Czechoslovakia doesnt exist any more. Its 2 different countries now ;-)
i really feel good that my curiosity to scan thru other blogs..brought me to urs..
u write really well..
i love ur style of wiritng..
keep it up!!
dude ur jus toooo gud..
Tooooo Good... reading ur blogs is refreshing oneself....
omfg!! did it actually happpen !?! why don't i bump into you :(
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