so the "pit stop" is about to end.the fueltanks have been refilled.the tyres have been changed.ive got a new helmet.its anotherlap.another term here at IIM calcutta.the classes start tomorrow for a fresh and glistening term 3.
n the weekend that was a very pleasant one.i slept and ate and watched was the kinda weekend wen u have the liberty to lose the sense of watch back to back movies.u dont need to shave.or to take a bath.u can get up at 1 in the afternoon and the only troubling question facing u is which is the next movie u gonna watch.
So the movie which brought down the curtains on this lovely weekend was "KAL HO NA HO".i hadnt watched it earlier.its ok,be shocked.and i cried watching it.infact, i cried more than i had watching ne movie.yea, im a 23 year old guy n i cried.n i think that real men do cry.why do they need to keep their feeling bottled dont tell me guys dont feel as sad as girls.i felt sad and i believe my male hormones are working all right.atleast i hope they are.
and as is customary at the start of nething, lemme think what should be my targets this term.the CG thing goes without saying.ill study regularly.yea,u gotta watch this,ill do it,rite from the first day.and ill keep my room looks like a hurricane tore through it rite now.the only things in place are the walls.anything they hold between themselves is so disorganised,including me.yea,that reminds me,i need to organise myself.and i need to think about my future.before deciding wat kinda gal i wanna marry and the no of kids i wanna have,i need to decide upon the more immediate issue-the MBA subjects i wanna specialise in.i came here with an inclination towards marketing but god decided to grant me a summers in finance so am as confused as george bush wud be in an english grammar class.n i need to be more considerate when im talking to my parents.they call me up and im doing this assignment and i kinda rush through the conversation without much attention.i feel guilty doing such things.ill call them up more often and be more nice talking to them.
So thats about it.hope the term turns out to be fun.bcos at the end of the day,thats wat life is
supposed to be , it gotta be fun.atleast mine gotta be .
On the jukebox : EVERYBODY - Backstreet Boys
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i m wiht u abhinav.i watched khnh at pvr vkp and i almost cried in the end.the only thing which stopped me were the strage glances of my frnds begging me not to create a scene.btw do iim c provide only 2 days break b/w sems???
hi abhinav gr8 news here...
cat results out got 99.65 %ile ....feeling cool here
hey thas great !! congrats just go on and do it !! all the best !.congrats again.
hey! i dont think tht's a cool score at all. but considering my prep, it cud be.. as for IIM 98.71% sure i wont get any :-(
btw, d'ye knw ramanan? he ws frm the same coll as mine.
i dunno if u remember me...i am the guy who posted about that placement stuff n all..
i got a %ile of expectin a few calls
just wanted to ask abt how u prepped for GD\PI...
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hey, hope you kept up all those "will dos" that you wanted to do back then.
reading your latest post - looks like you havent no worries - life's long and there's time yet.
-wise ass anon.
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